2016년 3월 6일 일요일

R Programming (12) - BLI(Better Life Index) Analysis (wsyang.com 참조)

1.’ggplot2’ library 불러오기, ‘Better Life Index of 2015 Years’ 자료 읽어오기
cf) 자료: http://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=BLI

2. 삶의 만족도 소득 상하위 10%, 전체 점수 추출
cf) wealth variable

3. 소득 차이에 다른 삶의 만족도

4. 소득 상위 10%와 하위 10%의 만족도 차이
<output - red: Korea, green: OECD total average>
cf) geom_bar(stat = “identity”,....)

5.삶의 만족도 남녀 차이

6. 코드

BLI2015 <- read.csv("./R_data/BLI_2015.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

wealth <- subset(BLI2015, Indicator == "Life satisfaction" &
                  Inequality %in% c("Total", "High", "Low"))
wealth$Inequality <- factor(wealth$Inequality, levels = c("High", "Total", "Low"))

ggplot(wealth, aes(x=Value, y=reorder(Country, Value), colour = Inequality)) +
 geom_point(size=2, alpha = 2/3) +
 theme_bw() +
 theme(panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
      panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
      panel.grid.major.y = element_line(colour = "grey60", linetype="dashed")) +
 ylab("") +
 xlab("Life satisfaction") +

wealth.high <- subset(BLI2015, Indicator == "Life satisfaction" & Inequality %in% c("High"))
wealth.low <- subset(BLI2015, Indicator == "Life satisfaction" & Inequality %in% c("Low"))

wealth.country <- merge(wealth.high, wealth.low, by = c("Country"))
wealth.country <- wealth.country[c("Country","Value.x","Value.y")]
names(wealth.country) <- c("Country", "High", "Low")
wealth.country$diff <- with(wealth.country, High - Low)
wealth.country <- wealth.country[order(wealth.country$diff),]

wealth.country$color <- "1"
wealth.country[wealth.country$Country == "Korea","color"] <- "2"
wealth.country[wealth.country$Country == "OECD - Total","color"] <- "3"

write.csv(file="Life_wealth.csv", wealth.country,row.names = F)

ggplot(wealth.country, aes(x=1:31, y=diff, fill=color)) +
 geom_bar(stat="identity", position="identity", colour="black", size=0.25) +
 xlab("") + ylab("difference of Life satisfaction") +
 scale_fill_manual(values = c('#474749','#CC1862','#8CF226'), guide=FALSE) +
 theme_bw() +
 theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank())
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