2016년 1월 18일 월요일

선형대수학 (1) - 1차 연립방정식과 가우스소거법

Linearity : f(x), operation
  1. Superposition : f(x1+x2) = f(x1) + f(x2)
  2. Homogeniety : f(ax) = a f(x)

→  f(a1xa + a2x2) =a1f(xa) +a2f(x2)
→  f(k=1nakxk) = k=1nak f(xk)

Vector(Column Vector)

Singular Case
  • No solution
  • Infinite solutions
  1. row form(직선, 평면으로)
→ parallel (no solution)
→ overlap (infinite solutions)
  1. column form(column vector 형태)

Gauss Elimination(가우스 소거법, GE)
all pivots are non-zero → a unique solution

  • when a zero appears in a pivot position
  • GE has to stop
  • the order of equations has to be changed

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